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Contact persons - UK and Export


Gregory Pelling
Miramar Engineering Ltd
Tel: +44 0345 222 0278
E-mail: [email protected]


Søren Rahbek
Sales Manager, Export
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 02

Contact persons - Denmark

Preben Søndergaard
[email protected]

Jan Christensen
Area Sales Manager food
Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Iceland
[email protected]/+45 42 14 52 07

Jannick Møbjerg Pedersen
Internal sales coordinator
[email protected] 
phone: +45 30 37 32 45

Søren Rahbek
Sales Manager, pharma, export
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 02

Jakob Klausen
Area Sales Manager Zealand
[email protected]/+45 42 14 52 08

Dorthe Hedegaard
Internal sales coordinator
[email protected] 
phone: +45 30 37 32 44

Pia Norup
Area Sales Manager retail, DK
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 06

Sjabbe Jan Tang van der Weij
Internal sales coordinator
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 09

Contact persons - Sweden

Göran Gustafsson
Area Sales Manager Sweden
[email protected]
phone: +46 070-7512408

Employees - Denmark

Brita Rosenbech
Technical Manager
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 04

Liubava Znova
Development Engineer
[email protected]
tlf: +45 30 37 32 47

Rene Dam Johannesen
Store, buying and spare parts
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 12

Poul Thye Knudsen
Technical assistant
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 14

Eva Søndergaard
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 01

Johnny Brønd 
Production manager
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 11

Keth Lykke Grimstrup
Quality coordinator
[email protected]
tlf: +45 30 37 32 46

Helle Andersen
Technical assistant
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 03

Jonas Noer
Tecnical assistant
[email protected]  
phone: +45 30 37 32 43

Kim Aschenberg
Marketing coordinator
[email protected] 
tlf. +45 40 82 97 78

Troels Jensen
Store, buying and spare parts
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 16

Christina Højrup Brandt
Project coordinator, sustainability
[email protected]
tlf: +45 30 37 32 52

Lasse Juul Willsen
Technical assistant
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 13

Keld Basse
Finance Manager
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 05 

Contact persons - Service

Brian Ankjær Jakobsen
Service and Installation Manager
[email protected] 
phone: +45 42 14 52 10

Kurt Larsson
Technical Supervisor, Installation
[email protected]
phone: +45 42 14 52 20

Thomas Nymark Buchwaldt
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 29

Brian Schou
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 19

Lars Andresen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 22

Tonny Nielsen
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 36

Jan Aagaard
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 35

Thomas Engell Pedersen
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 49

Susanne S. Jørgensen
Service coordinator
[email protected] 
tlf: +45 42 14 52 17

Jacob Therkildsen
Technical service coordinator
[email protected] 
phone: +45 30 37 32 41

Mogens Rødkær
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 21

Per Kjeldsen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 25

Peter Vistrup Frandsen
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 32

Michael H. Nielsen
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 34

Johnni Lohse Mikkelsen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 27

Finn Kristiansen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 15

Jan Dörig
Project manager
[email protected] 
tlf: +45 30 37 32 40

Henning Jensen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 24

Ole H. Dyhm
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 23

Thommas Christensen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 26

John Mortensen
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 31

Bjørn Sørensen
Service engineer
phone: +45 42 14 52 18

Heino Seierup
Service engineer
phone: +45 30 37 32 33

Morten Dyhm
phone: +45 42 14 52 28