Driven by our passion for quality and innovation
When Door System started back in 1998, our activities focused on hinged and sliding doors for the food industry, where hygiene and durability are very important parameters. Since then, the range has expanded significantly. However, Door System still focuses on developing and manufacturing strong and fully insulated door solutions that keep the cost of energy, operation and maintenance to a minimum. Read more abour our product range below

New pharma sliding door with hands-free operation for clean room class C
Reliable sliding doors developed for your needs
Sliding doors from Door System are efficient and reliable. Handles and fittings are all "hidden" and dimensioned to withstand collisions, heavy-handed use, high pace and strict hygiene requirements. We manufacture the doors according to your specifications and with various door leaf thicknesses.
The doors are supplied either as manually or automatically operated doors. All risks of pinch injuries are minimised and our doors always comply with the latest safety requirements. The sliding door can be integrated with other automatic installations, such as belt conveyor, lock systems and washing machines. Read more.

Roller doors developed for your needs
Our high-speed, low-noise roller doors are specially designed for supermarkets, warehouses, processing rooms and freezer rooms and are custom-made to meet our customers’ specific needs and requirements on speed, hygiene, wind stability, cold impact and insulation. The roller doors come with our unique collision protection, which makes it a quick and easy job to get a door back in operation after a collision. Read more.

Hinged doors – durability, safety and insulation
Door System's hinged doors are made to measure according to your specifications and are supplied in various door leaf thicknesses. We use materials with high insulating capacity and our doors come with thick gaskets which help ensure a tight close - saving you money on the heating bill.
The doors are equipped with so-called dog bolts on the rear edge and an extra strong cremorne bolt with 2- or 4-point action. In addition, they are fitted with a stop edge on the front to prevent break-ins. Our doors are also available with locking systems, access control, extra strong hinges, automatic components and much more. Read more.

Developed in close collaboration with our customers
"Our close co-operation with the end customers is a high priority for us. After all, they are the users of our solutions. To solve a problem for a customer adds value to our company", says Preben Søndergaard, owner and manager, Door System A/S.

Swing doors – ideal for areas with heavy traffic
We have developed our very own polycarbonate swing door, designed to last for many years. For instance, the hinges are designed with the spring integrated in the aluminum profile, so you will not need to drill a hole in the wall to accommodate it.
Polycarbonate swing doors are cost-efficient, extremely strong and optimised for areas with heavy traffic. Polycarbonate is a type of plastic which is rather light but nevertheless hard and resistant to for instance heat and cold. As the material is next to break-proof, it is ideal for use in swing doors. Read more.

Cold store and freezer room doors with high insulating capacity
Door System's cold store and freezer room doors are made in a simple, functional and wear-resistant design. We use materials with a high insulating capacity, and our doors come with thick gaskets to ensure that the doors closes completely tightly - saving you money on the heating bill.
Our doors are made to measure based on your specifications and supplied with various door leaf thicknesses. We use plate thicknesses of at least 0.8 mm, typically even thicker, so you get a highly wear-resistant door and minimises the risk of denting - your doors simply look better for longer. Read more.

Strip curtains – a simple and inexpensive room divider
Strip curtains - a simple and inexpensive room divider which requires very little maintenance. Strip curtains are used to prevent draught, dust, heat, cold and noise while ensuring unhindered transport passage. For instance, it is an obvious solution for livestock farming environments.
Door System supplies strip curtains to industries of all kind. If you wish to install strip curtains inside or in connection with a freezer room, choose curtains of the ”Polar” type. This is a type of PVC which has been developed especially for use in freezer rooms and which will stay soft even at temperatures down to -25 degrees. Read more.

Fire doors and fire sliding doors – according to the new European standard
Door System invests a great amount of ressources in developing and testing EI₂60-C fire doors and fire sliding doors according to the new European standard. We are really far ahead when it comes to EI₂60-C doors and sliding doors and can advise companies to get the right fire solution.
Among our solutions is the EI260-C fire sliding door, shown in the picture mounted at a Danish cattle abattoir.
Most recently, we have developed a brand new single-leaf hinged EI260-C fire door for freezer rooms. See more about our fire solutions.

Fire curtains do not take up much space
Door System can also offer fire curtains. They do not take up much space above the opening and at the sides relative to fire sliding doors - an efficient and ideal solutions for e.g. retail outlets as they do not require lots of expensiv wall square meters. Read more.

EI60 fire windows
Door System offers EI60 and EI30 fire windows with tempered fire glass as well as tempered and laminated fire glass.
The fire window comes with an acid-resistant stainless-steel frame, AISI316. The frame is smooth on the front, and the fire window is installed with a chamfered architrave and a chamfered installation list at the bottom. This makes the solution easy to clean, and it meets the food and pharmaceutical industries’ stringent demands for hygiene.
Read more about our EI60 fire windows - click here.